Speakers Conferences
Silvia Álava
Monday 11 from 13:00 to 14:30
How to be working parents and not die trying, but enjoy family
We prepare a lot to be the best professionals, to give our patients the best treatment,
for excellence. However, for the work that consumes us the most energy and brings us more headaches: being parents, we hardly have any training.
And it is that sometimes it is difficult to be 100% in the clinic when we have problems at home. They do not have to be serious, many times we feel that day-to-day management with our children is beyond us. And it is that when our family life is not
resolved, without wanting it, it conditions our professional life.
In this talk we will talk about how to understand our children, how to improve our quality of family life, how to manage day-to-day issues, such as: tantrums or homework, how to set limits and establish routines …
Perfect parents do not exist, it is about being the father or mother that your son or daughter needs and getting rid of the guilt that prevents us from enjoying the family.
Doctor in clinical and health psychology from the University Autonomous of Madrid (UAM)
Graduated in psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid
Pedagogical Aptitude Course by the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)
Postgraduate in Marketing and Communication from the UAM
She has done more than 20 courses and seminars related to the health, educational, HR and neuropsychology psychology
With more than 20 years of experience, she is a health psychologist, expert in educational psychology, specialist in Psychotherapy, (EFPA European Certificate), writer and speaker.
She is director of the children’s area of the Álava Psychology Center Reyes and training director at Apertia Consulting.
At the same time, she has developed her career in the field of company, combining both areas, that of psychology and organizations, where she has led various projects of training and management of call centers and customer service departments client in multinationals and leading companies in health insurance.
She currently conducts training and motivational talks at companies and schools, she provides professional advice in projects to disseminate issues related to psychology and collaborates with communication agencies, societies Scientific and Research Institutes.
Teacher in master’s degrees and university specialization courses, (es Professor of the Master of General Health Psychology of the Alfonso Décimo el Sabio University, Master’s Degree in Psychology Children and Youth of the UAM and the ISPCS.
She has been a teacher associate of the UAM, visiting professor of the Rey Juan University Carlos and the Menéndez Pelayo International University.
Disseminator of psychology in various media communication, she is a collaborator of Saber Vivir.
She has received various awards from the Official College of Psychologists for her collaborations in the media contributing to that Psychology has greater social support every day
Eduardo Anitua
Sábado 9 de 12:00 a 13:30 | Sala Auditorio.
Knowing how stresses are distributed in the bone, in the implant-prosthesis system and the loads that an implant and other prosthetic components can support are especially important when planning a case with implants. An adequate decision of the diameter, length, position and number of implants is decisive for a good planning, as well as which prosthetic components should be used to obtain a predictable result. Understanding the biology of the post-extraction socket or the neo-socket created for implant placement can help us in a decisive way for the success of the treatment. In this conference we present numerous biomechanical and biological studies, and their clinical indications that can be of enormous use to the surgeon and prosthodontist.
Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Salamanca. Doctor in medicine and surgery from the University of Valencia. Specialist in Stomatology by the University of the Basque Country, continuing his studies in numerous stays in the United States (Philadelphia, New York, Miami, San Francisco, Chicago) and in Europe (Italy, Germany, France and, of course, Spain).
He combines scientific research as founder and Scientific Director of BTI Biotechnology Institute with private clinical practice, in addition to directing the University Institute of Regenerative Medicine and Oral Implantology of the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and presiding over the Foundation that bears his name.
Dr. Eduardo Anitua is known worldwide for being a pioneer in the development of techniques in bioimplantology and tissue regeneration, as well as being the author of Plasma Technology Rich in Growth Factors (Endoret®) and its application in different areas of medicine.
He has 46 international patents, is the author of more than 20 books in different areas of medicine and more than 300 research articles in scientific journals of international prestige, with an H = 38 index. He has taught more than 500 courses and lectures on oral implantology and regenerative medicine in national and international congresses.
He is a visiting professor at more than 50 universities, both internationally and nationally: United States (Pennsylvania, Harvard, Boston, New Orleans and Tufts), Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Russia, Portugal, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Uruguay and other countries. In Spain he teaches at the Universities of Barcelona, Basque Country, Complutense of Madrid, Oviedo, Salamanca, Valencia, Seville, Alfonso X The Wise of Madrid, European of Madrid, Granada, International of Catalonia and Murcia.
He has been the Director of the “Continuing Education Program in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation” for 28 years, which is taught in Spain, Germany, Italy, Mexico and Portugal, and director of the biomedical publishing company Teamwork Spain.
Throughout his extensive professional career, he has received numerous recognitions and awards among which are:
- National Award for Arts and Sciences Applied to Sport (2014), awarded by the Sports Council.
- Great Entrepreneur Award (2014). Diputación Foral de Álava and Ayto. De Vitoria-Gasteiz.
- Prize of the Spanish Sports Press Association 2013.
- Dentist of the Year Award 2011, awarded by the Spanish Dental Foundation.
- Distinction “Lan Onari” (“To good work”) in medicine and biomedical research, Basque Government (2011).
- Ramón Rubial Award for Innovation (2010).
- Naider Action and Commitment Award for Innovation and Smart Economies (2007).
- Gold Medal of the City, granted by the City Council of Vitoria (2007).
- Príncipe Felipe Award for Technological Innovation (2007).
- Euskadi Sport Award for the scientific contribution to the development of sport (2003).
- National Sports Medicine Research Award by the University of Oviedo (2002).
- Pro-dentistry Prize awarded by the Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia and Balerares (2002).
- Numerous awards and recognitions to scientific articles.
Juan Ballesteros
SIMPOSIO | Saturday 9 from 17:00 to 18:00 | Sala Londres
How to use technology to make the easy, the difficult.
Technology has invaded not only dental laboratories and clinics but also the homes of our patients. Dealing with this demanding and information-satiated new profile can be very difficult if we don’t know the rules.
For this reason and for this, the incorporation of technology in daily practice is already more than necessary, although if we do not know the correct path, interaction with the world of artificial intelligence becomes disappointing and counterproductive.
See how the difficult and unpredictable becomes something easy and predictable is the objective of our meeting, where we will surely have a good time.
-Degree in Dentistry from the UAX (Alfonso X El Sabio University).
-Co-coordinator and professor of the Master of Oral Surgery, Implantology and Implantoprosthetic Rehabilitation of the University of Córdoba.
-Collaborating professor of the specialist in advanced implant prosthesis at the Complutense University of Madrid.
-Visiting professor of different masters and university postgraduate programs in implantology.
-Master in Comprehensive Periodontology C.G continuous training, (directed by Dr. Raúl Caffesse).
-University Expert in Periodontology from the European University of Madrid.
-Diploma in Implant Dentistry. University of Göteborg (Sweden). Aparicio Clinic.
-University diploma in Oral Implantology from the University of Seville.
-Diploma in Esthetic Dentistry. University of Göteborg (Sweden). Aparicio Clinic.
Bruno Baracco
Monday 11 from 9:30 to 10:00
Never before has food, diet, nutrition and its impact on our health experienced such interest by society as a whole or by the scientific community. However, dentists, despite caring for and treating the mouth, the first element of the digestive system, do not usually invest the necessary time or put the proper interest in talking about this important topic with our patients. A healthy diet will provide benefits for general health, but we must do more to seek and explain the reasons why our diet can provide concrete and specific benefits or damages to our dental health.
- Graduate and Doctor of Dentistry from the Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid)
- Endodontic Specialist from the University of Santiago de Compostela
- Associate Professor of Dental Pathology and Therapeutics (URJC) and of the Master’s Degree in Dental Aesthetics at the European University.
- Author of several clinical scientific articles in impact journals.
- Accountant Member of the Madrid College of Dentists.
August Bruguera
Monday 11st from 9:30 till 14:00 | Madrid Room
AUGUST BRUGUERA (Spain) is a dental technician and director in his own laboratory and training center: ‘Dental Training Center Barcelona’.
He studied dental prosthesis in Barcelona at the school “Ramon i Cajal.” He completed his training by staying in private laboratories in Germany, Italy, and Switzerland.
Author of several articles published in national and international journals.
He was director of the magazine “Dental Excellence Spain”.
Professor in courses and speaker in sesions at national and international conferences.
It belongs to the international group of Bio-emulation studies.
He is the opinion leader of Ivoclar Vivadent.
Member of the editorial committee of the magazine “Dental Dialogue” Spanish edition.
Member of the editorial committee of the Brazilian magazine “Estética”.
Author of the book “Sombras, un mundo de color.” Published in Spanish, English and German.
Author along with Dr. Sidney Kina of the book “Invisible, ceramic restorations”.
Gold scalpel 2003.
Honor member of ACADEN.
You want to know more? Visit www.augustbruguera.com
Marcelo Calamita
Sunday 10th from 17:30 till 18:15 | Auditorium Room
The restorative material selection is an increasingly complex process, as new products are being developed. This choice is often made empirically, based on the experience of the dentist or the dental technician. Knowing the properties, indications, advantages and disadvantages of the main materials is crucial, as there is no restorative material that gathers all the desirable characteristics to be applied in the most diverse clinical situations.
High quality dentistry requires an approach that integrates scientific knowledge, clinical skills, technician’s expertise, team communication, and patient’s preferences. Excellence can become predictable and consistent with the establishment of a methodical approach that integrates functional and biologic parameters into the esthetic project.
Based on the scientific based/ clinically relevant binomial, it will be discussed how to integrate classic prosthodontic concepts with state-of-the-art ceramic materials, from the treatment planning until the final equilibration. Critical and practical aspects of occlusion will be critically reviewed in order to provide parameters for the decision-making process and streamline the treatment sequence. Also, it will be discussed the key elements in order to surpass the patient’s esthetic expectations, provide effective function, and long-term stability.
Marcelo Calamita graduated in 1988 from the University of Sao Paulo, where he also obtained his certificate, MS, and PhD in prosthodontics. He is Visiting professor in the Department of Restorative Dental Sciences at the University of Florida and worked as Associate Professor of Prosthodontics at University Braz Cubas and University of Guarulhos in Sao Paulo. Marcelo Calamita is the former president of the Brazilian Society of Esthetic Dentistry and the Brazilian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. He was editor-in-chief of the Dental Press Brazilian Journal of Esthetics and currently serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry and International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, Brazilian editions. In addition, he has lectured nationally and internationally, written numerous scientific publications on treatment planning and esthetic dentistry. He also maintains a private practice in Sao Paulo focusing on comprehensive restorative, esthetic and prosthetic dentistry.
Rocío Cercero
Lunes 11 de 10:30 a 11:00
Cancer treatment frequently produces oral changes.
Oral cancer usually requires radiation therapy to the affected area and in these cases, mucositis almost always occurs during treatment and hyposalia later, which can be severe in some patients. The risk of osteoradionecrosis is present up to a year later.
Chemotherapy treatment for any cancer site can also cause mucositis and changes in taste and in the quantity and quality of saliva. When certain medications are included, osteochymonecrosis of the jaw may appear.
All these complications can be minimized with good oral health and hygiene and visits to the dentist both before treatment, as well as during and after it.
The role of the dentist is important in the well-being of these people.
- Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery UCM
Specialist in Stomatology UCM - Professor of Oral Medical Pathology at the UCM School of Dentistry
- President of the Spanish Society of Oral Medicine
- Director of the University Certificate Current Concepts in Oral Medicine UCM (Faculty of Dentistry)
- Oral Medicine Advisor at the San Rafael Hospital in Madrid
Mariano del Canto
SIMPOSIO | Saturday 9 from 17:00 to 18:00 | Sala Madrid
What the dentist should know about the diagnosis and treatment of sleep apneas
The mouth, in addition to playing an essential role in chewing, plays an important role in breathing. The knowledge of respiration and the pathologies that this can cause in the teeth is a current topic.
In this conference we present an approach to what we believe a dentist should know about respiratory disorders during sleep and the consequences it has on their teeth, as well as the therapeutic possibilities that a dentist has to deal with it.
• Doctor of Medicine and Surgery from the Complutense University of Madrid
• Specialist in Stomatology from the Complutense University of Madrid.
• University Master’s Degree in Oral-facial Surgery from the UCM.
• Associate Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid
• Professor of the Master’s Degree in Oral Surgery at the UCM
• Professor of the Master in Implantology at the UCM
• Acting Associate Professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid
• Professor of the Master in Oral Surgery, Implantology and Periodontology of the URJC
• Director of the University Expert Course in Oral Surgery, Implantology and Periodontology at the University of León
• Director of the Master’s Degree in Implantology, Periodontology and Oral Surgery at the
University of Alcalá.
• Director of the teaching program at Del Canto Formación.
• Director of the Master’s Degree in Oral Surgery, Implantology and Periodontology at the
University of León
• Co-director of the Expert course in Implantoprosthesis at the University of León
• Honorary Collaborating Professor at the University of León.
• Professor of Continuing Education of the General Council of Colleges of Dentists and
Stomatologists of Spain
• Lecturer in numerous courses and conferences in the field of Oral Surgery, Implantology and Periodontology. Author of various publications.
• Collaborator in numerous subsidized research projects, both public and private in the area of knowledge of Oral Surgery, Implantology and Periodontology
• Collegiate 35729. College of Physicians of Madrid
• Collegiate 28003724. College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Madrid
Eduardo Crooke
SYMPOSIUM | Saturday 9th from 15:30 till 16:30 | Roma Room
The restorations on implants are complex procedures that require a perfect synergy between the surgery and the prosthesis. Thanks to the digitalization of dentistry, this understanding has been substantially improved, and following a rigorous protocol we can reduce the number of appointments by half compared to the analog system. Our philosophy is based on minimizing the number of appointments and simplifying processes to be less invasive and more effective, minimizing manipulations and the amount of materials to be used.
- Work protocol
- Expandable abutments: new abutments for a more immediate immediate loading
- Modified scan bodies
María Cura
SIMPOSIO | Saturday 9th from 12:30 to 13:30 | Sala Londres
Simplifying Composite Restorations in Anterior: Whitening and composite.
Composite resins are materials that are increasingly used in the practice. They allow us to solve aesthetic cases quickly and efficiently, achieving an aesthetic that is highly appreciated by our patients. The new composites available on the market make these treatments less and less complicated. Dr. María Cura will show tricks, recommendations and clinical cases with composite with a single opacity, including cases of whitening. She will be able to follow the step by step and pose any challenge that she faces in the consultation to improve her day-to-day composites in previous ones.
- Doctor of Dentistry from the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC) with
international mention - Specialist in Endodontics and Conservative Dentistry by the URJC
- Postgraduate in Prosthetics SCOE
- Professor of the Master of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics of the URJC
- Author of various research articles in international journals with impact index
- He teaches courses on Esthetic Dentistry regularly and has received several
awards for his research and clinical activity - Exclusive clinical practice for Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
Alfonso Díaz
SIMPOSIO | Saturday 9th from 15:30 to 16:30 | Sala Londres
Can we achieve the same aesthetic results with digital techniques vs. analog techniques?
The benefits that technology is bringing to the world of medicine are a fact. The emergence a few years ago of different mobile applications, blogs, specialized web pages, vital signs monitoring devices, robots, virtual reality among others have generated a change, both in clinical practice and in resource management, as well as in the involvement of patients, thanks to the extensive knowledge they have through digital platforms, applications and other information tools.
New technologies, apart from helping us improve results, also “empower the patient.” Where the applicant for assistance previously did not have the means to actively participate in decision-making about their care, now they do have this possibility.
We are currently living in a “present” moment of application of these technologies in dentistry, where digital tools are of great help and comfort for both clinicians and patients. We can be more predictable and precise in those treatments that require optimization of the structures to be preserved, such as tooth enamel, bone volume in the placement of dental implants, as well as improve the patient’s experience, but are we capable of also to achieve the same aesthetic results? In this presentation we will see different techniques that can help us obtain better results, being more conservative, predictable and generating new value for our patients.
- Laboratory Technician in Dental Prosthesis
- Degree in Dentistry from the Catholic University of Valencia
- Postgraduate in Oral Implantology and Prosthesis from the Miguel Hernández University. Alicante
- Associate professor of the Master implants Francisco de Vitoria University. Madrid
- Collaborator in Advanced Dental Classroom
- Exclusive practice in Prosthodontics and Dental Aesthetics
Daniel Edelhoff
Sunday 10th from 9:30 till 11:45 | Auditorium Room
Digital technologies offer access to more diagnostic information and enable a higher predictability. With the transfer into monolithic polymer materials innovative options for the clinical evaluation of esthetics and function are available. CAD/CAM-fabricated bi-maxillary splints allow to exploring the final treatment goal in reversible test drives. Based on removability of the splints, surgical, periodontal, and restorative pre-treatments can be integrated in this period. The transfer into definitive restorations can be divided into multiple treatment steps minimizing risk factors of complex rehabilitations.
Attendees will learn:
- To differentiate pre-treatment options with CAD/CAM-fabricated polymers.
- To understand material selection criteria to ensure durable CAD/CAM-fabricated temporaries
- To identify the treatment steps for the transfer into definitive restorations.
Disclosure Statement: Dr. Edelhoff receives financial support for research projects with 3M, Amann Girrbach, Camlog, Dentsply Sirona, Heraeus Kulzer, Ivoclar Vivadent, Komet Dental, Straumann, Dentsply VDW, zirkonzahn.
Director and Chair Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, University Hospital, LMU, Munich
Daniel Edelhoff is currently Director and Chair at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) in Munich. He is board certified Specialist in Prosthodontics and member of the advisory board of the German Society of Prosthodontics and Biomaterials, as well as Associate Member of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (AAED). Daniel Edelhoff received 2011/2012/2013 three awards “Best Teacher” by the dental students of the LMU and the Bavarian Association of Dentists. Since 2014 he is Active Member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED) as well as Section Editor of the multidisciplinary international research journal Clinical Oral Investigations. 2016 he became President of the German Association of Dental Technology (ADT) and 2019 Dean for Dental Students at LMU.
Vicent Fehmer
Monday 11st from 15:00 till 16:30 | Auditorium Room
The restoration of a tooth or the replacement of a missing tooth in the esthetic area is very delicate, specifically in-patient cases with high lip line. At demanding patients high efforts have to be made to reduce the risk for not ideally shaped or colored restorations and/or for soft tissue discolorations in order to avoid esthetic failure. From a restorative point of view the type of reconstruction and the material it is made out of have a significant influence on the result. The current restorative material options offer many esthetic features to best copy the optical properties of teeth. The color, chroma and lightness of the esthetic materials (e.g. ceramics) are hereby important parameters. Furthermore, the translucency is a important both for the mimicking of teeth as also for the masking of discolorations. A stuctured approach for the evaluation and the establishment of the white esthetics helps reducing the risk for unpleasant surprises with the result.
Discolored non-vital abutment teeth are a specific challenge with this respect since they may not only be difficult to be masked, but they also may be associated with soft tissue discoloration. Recent studies have evaluated the threshold for the visibility of dental and of mucosal/gingival discoloration. These studies have shown that the human eye detects soft tissue discoloration at similar threshold values as it would detect tooth discoloration. Hence, the pink esthetics is at least as important as the white esthetics. Besides the non-vital teeth implant reconstructions may be challenging with this respect. It has been shown that greyish metallic abutments and metal- ceramic reconstructions lead to dark discoloration of the soft tissue. In conclusion, the selection of the material and the restorative components is of great importance for all types of restorations. Clinicians and technicians need to be aware of the possibilities and also of the limitations of the current restorative options.
Understand the potential of modern reconstructive dentistry with its potential to eliminate complications and achieve a predictable esthetic outcome
Learning objectives:
- Understand the criteria that influence the esthetics of teeth and of soft tissues
- Learn about the visibility of discolorations
- Learn about the restorative options, their possibilities and limitations
- Learn to select restorative options for predictable white and pink esthetic
Vincent Fehmer received his dental technical education and degree in Stuttgart, Germany in 2002. From 2002 to 2003 he preformed fellowships in Great Britan and the US in Oral Design certified dental technical laboratories. From 2003 to 2009 he worked at an Oral Design certified laboratory in Berlin, Germany – The Dental Manufaktur Mehrhof. In 2009 he received the degree as a MDT in Germany. From 2009 to 2014 he was the chief dental technician at the Clinic for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics in Zurich, Switzerland.
Since 2015 he is dental Technician at the Clinic for Fixed Prothodontics and Biomaterials in Geneva, Switzerland and runs his own laboratory in Lausanne Switzerland.
MDT Fehmer is a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology, and a member of the Oral Design group, the European Association of Dental Technology (EADT) and German Society of Esthetic Dentistry (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde, DGÄZ). He is active as speaker on a national and international Level.
Mr. Fehmer has received various awards including the prize for the Best Master Program of the Year (Berlin, Germany) and has published numerous articles within the field of fixed prosthodontics and dental technology.
Alberto Ferreiroa
HIGIENISTAS | Saturday 9 from 10:30 to 11:30
Dr. Alberto Ferreiroa Navarro is a Doctor in Dentistry with outstanding qualification “Cum Laude” and Master in Prosthetic Surgery from the Complutense University of Madrid. At the same university, he has been an associate professor in the Department of Odontology and Buccofacial Prosthetics since 2014 and as a professor of the Master in Restorative Dentistry based on New Technologies, since the beginning of this degree. Within his teaching activity, he is also a postgraduate professor at the European University of Madrid and the Mississippi University Institution. He is the author of more than 30 scientific publications in both national and international journals, with publications focused on the field of dental prosthetics and the application of new technologies applied to various areas of dentistry.
German Gallucci
Sunday 10th from 19:00 till 19:45 | Auditorium Room
During this lecture, clinical considerations and indications for dental implants will be analyzed in the context of their direct application to esthetic implant-prosthetic rehabilitations. Risk assessment, treatment planning, surgical protocols and esthetic/prosthodontic rehabilitations will be discussed in detail according to different clinical situations. Recommended planning steps and treatment procedures will be presented through scientific evidence. Modern Implant-prosthetic restorations using different implant designs and digital technology call for a harmonious esthetic integration with the pre-existing environment. A scalloped gingival line with distinct papillae and free of any abrupt vertical differences in clinical crown length between anterior implants, is paramount. In this context, biologic considerations affecting normal peri-implant soft tissue integration will be discussed as a major esthetic parameter.
Objectives: upon completion of this lecture participant should be able to:
– Familiarize with current trends in esthetic implant dentistry.
– Assess associated risk factor for suitable treatment planning
– Widen treatment planning options using a selective approach.
Dr. Gallucci is the Chair of the department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials Sciences at Harvard School of Dental Medicine. He obtained his Doctorate in Dental Medicine at the department of Prosthodontics, School of Dental Medicine at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Gallucci actively participates in clinical research related to implant-prosthodontics and Digital Dentistry. His work has been published in International peer reviewed journals and is member of the editorial board for several scientific dental journals. Dr. Gallucci participates as invited lecturer in international and national conferences and congresses. He is fellow of the Academy of Prosthodontics, International Team for Implantology (ITI), Switzerland, and active member of the Academy of Osseointegration (AO) – USA, European Academy of Osseointegration (EAO), Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics, (GNYAP) and International Academy of Dental Research (IADR).
Iñaki Gamborena
Monday 11st from 9:30 till 11:00 | Auditorium Room
The challenge of creating a natural appearance in both natural teeth and implants depends largely on the knowledge and understanding of the surgeon-restorer-laboratory technician in all phases of treatment.
In this presentation, a pre-recorded live surgery will be performed to cancel the dead times of the live show and thus be able to facilitate a greater explanation of the treatment performed. The case will be discussed in advance describing the difficulties it presents, the treatment plan, the sequence, the times and risks to take into account during the different phases of the treatment and the final result. It will be a case of medium-high difficulty where implants will be performed in addition to a demanding perio-prosthetic component to maintain the patient’s aesthetics.
It will not only cover the systematic step-by-step for managing the soft tissues in the anterior sector but also the basic criteria that everyone who places and restores implants needs to know.
The latest advances in materials and techniques will be presented to achieve aesthetic excellence in implants, with their surgical and restorative implications.
Dr. Gamborena graduated as a dentist from the Dominican Dental University, UOD in 1989.
Dr. Gamborena has several certifications in dentistry:
- Certificate in Occlusion and temporomandibular disorders from the Mexican Association for Occlusal Rehabilitation in Mexico City, 1989-90.
- Certificate of Rehabilitation Dentistry from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico, 1990-92
- Certificate in Prosthodontics and Master of Dentistry at the University of Washington, Seattle (USA), 1993-96, where he was awarded the Bolender Contest Award for clinical and academic excellence
- Certificate in Oral and Craniofacial Implants from the Scholarship Program of the University of Texas, Houston (USA), 1996-97
Dr. Gamborena has been an Affiliate Professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry at the University of Washington School of Dentistry in Seattle, Washington, since 2001.
He is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Preventive and Rehabilitative Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia School of Dentistry, since 2007 and is an adjunct clinical professor in the Department of Periodontics, Georgia School of Medicine, Augusta, since 2009.
He has been an active member of the European Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry since 2002. He has been a member of the American Academy of Dental Rehabilitation since 2011.
He is a founding member of the “Ponti Group”, Chicago 2012
And he is the author of the book “EVOLUTION: Contemporary Protocols for Anterior Single Tooth Implants” I. Gamborena / M. B. Blatz, Quintessence Publishing Co Inc., 2014.
Dr. Gamborena is the inventor of the slim concept “thin temporary abutment concept: how to maximize space to allow soft tissue growth” Nobel Biocare, November 2014.
He has a private practice in San Sebastián, Spain, dedicated to aesthetic, rehabilitation and implant dentistry.
Dr. Gamborena graduated as a dentist from the Dominican Dental University, UOD in 1989.
Dr. Gamborena has several certifications in dentistry:
- Certificate in Occlusion and temporomandibular disorders from the Mexican Association for Occlusal Rehabilitation in Mexico City, 1989-90.
- Certificate of Rehabilitation Dentistry from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico, 1990-92
- Certificate in Prosthodontics and Master of Dentistry at the University of Washington, Seattle (USA), 1993-96, where he was awarded the Bolender Contest Award for clinical and academic excellence
- Certificate in Oral and Craniofacial Implants from the Scholarship Program of the University of Texas, Houston (USA), 1996-97
Dr. Gamborena has been an Affiliate Professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry at the University of Washington School of Dentistry in Seattle, Washington, since 2001.
He is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Preventive and Rehabilitative Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia School of Dentistry, since 2007 and is an adjunct clinical professor in the Department of Periodontics, Georgia School of Medicine, Augusta, since 2009.
He has been an active member of the European Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry since 2002. He has been a member of the American Academy of Dental Rehabilitation since 2011.
He is a founding member of the “Ponti Group”, Chicago 2012
And he is the author of the book “EVOLUTION: Contemporary Protocols for Anterior Single Tooth Implants” I. Gamborena / M. B. Blatz, Quintessence Publishing Co Inc., 2014.
Dr. Gamborena is the inventor of the slim concept “thin temporary abutment concept: how to maximize space to allow soft tissue growth” Nobel Biocare, November 2014.
He has a private practice in San Sebastián, Spain, dedicated to aesthetic, rehabilitation and implant dentistry.
David García
SIMPOSIO | Saturday 9 from 18:00 to 19:00 | Sala Madrid
Implantes inmediatos en el sector Anterior. Mi evolución clínica.
We have been treating our patients with immediate implants for a long time to replace parts in the aesthetic sector, where the demand for the final result is higher. Techniques and concepts have evolved and we have adapted to them. The conference is about the current moment in which I find myself when I have to face
a case of this type, what I have learned, what surely works for me and what I am not so sure about.
- Exclusive practice in implants and dental aesthetics at the CIMA clinic in Madrid
(www.cimadental.es). - Co-founder of the dental training group D91; (www.d91.es).
- Author of international articles on dental aesthetics.
- Collaborator in universities in postgraduate programs for implants and aesthetic prosthetics.
Alfonso Gil
Sunday 10th from 11:00 till 11:45 | Roma Room
Treating complex cases of multiple recessions is a clinical challenge for the dentist. When to treat, what technique to use, how many recessions to treat at once, timing of restorative treatment? These are frequently asked questions during a periodontal-prosthetic treatment. The conference will cover the indications of root coverage, the predictability of the various techniques, and the management of multiple recessions in both teeth and implants with the VISTA Technique of mucogingival micro-surgery.
Dr Alfonso Gil has a degree in Dentistry from the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), where he graduated with the best record of his class.
He completed the 3-year specialization program in Periodontology and Implantology at the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles. Subsequently, he completed a residency in Advanced Implantology at the Implant Center of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).
Dr. Alfonso Gil is Board Certified by the American Academy of Periodontology and Implants. He is currently completing his 4-year specialization in Oral Rehabilitation on teeth and implants at the Department of Prosthodontics at the University of Zurich.
Rosa G. Laguna
SYMPOSIUM | Saturday 9th from 15:30 till 16:30 | Roma Room
The restorations on implants are complex procedures that require a perfect synergy between the surgery and the prosthesis. Thanks to the digitalization of dentistry, this understanding has been substantially improved, and following a rigorous protocol we can reduce the number of appointments by half compared to the analog system. Our philosophy is based on minimizing the number of appointments and simplifying processes to be less invasive and more effective, minimizing manipulations and the amount of materials to be used.
- Work protocol
- Expandable abutments: new abutments for a more immediate immediate loading
- Modified scan bodies
Dr. Rosa Gómez Laguna graduated in Dentistry from the University of Seville in June 1999, where she also obtained the title of director of X-ray facilities (Fidotec SL, approved by the Nuclear Safety Council).
After finishing his degree, he obtained an Intercampus scholarship that gave him the opportunity to travel to Argentina where he collaborated with the University of Córdoba in the research work “Marginal microfiltration in endodontic access cavities”, presented at the Annual Meeting of the IADR (Argentine division ) in the city of Mar de Plata (Buenos Aires), and whose abstracts were published in the Dental Journal Research of the special issue of March 2000.
He returned to Spain and decided to specialize in Periodontology at the Barcelona Institute of Dental Microsurgery, and in Implants at the University of Göteborg from 2000 to 2002.
After this, she settled in Córdoba as a specialist in these areas, but love made her move to Malaga with her current husband and colleague Eduardo Crooke.
As a complement to periodontal and implant treatments, he decided to specialize in dental aesthetics with Drs. Radigales and Rábago in Madrid in 2004.
She shares with her husband the passion for the profession and the illusion to invest in new technologies, as well as to continue training in the continuous advances that are being generated in this profession.
The result of this passion has been his participation in the scientific committee of the Malaga College of Dentists (2010-2017) and in scientific societies such as SEPA and SEPES.
He has been a member of the organizing committee of the SEPES Malaga 2014 congress and of the organizing committee of the SEPA Malaga 2017 congress.
He obtained the Medal of Scientific Merit by the Hon. Malaga College of Dentists (February 2013).
To improve the results in prosthetics, he traveled to Cagliari (Sardinia) on 2 occasions to train in the BOPT technique with Dr. Ignazio Loi (2015-2016), a forerunner of this technique.
Later, in March 2017, he delved into bone regeneration techniques in Budapest together with the number one in this field, Dr. Itsvan Urban.
As a complement to the regeneration techniques and to achieve greater comfort in dental treatments, she took the Conscious Sedation Course in Dentistry and Recycling in Basic Life Support in 2017, accredited by the Council of Dentists of Spain. And in that same year he began in laser techniques with the theoretical-practical course of A.R.C. Fox Laser Dental with Dr. Gómez-Ferrer.
She has been a speaker at conferences for both dentists and hygienists on issues related to periodontics and dental aesthetics.
Its pillars at work are quality together with close treatment of the patient. For her, work means enjoying returning the smile to patients.
Javier Gómez
Lunes 11 de 11:30 a 12:00
The sleep-wake cycle is a biological clock that regulates our entire organic, psychological and social world. You sleep to live. Today the lack of a restful or unstructured sleep leads to clearly evident disorders. Psychological disorders include anxiety, mood disorders and especially maintenance of stress with increased irritability, lack of impulse control, and psychological “exhaustion” in all emotional and cognitive levels, especially memory. Sleeping less than 5 hours and more than 9 hours is associated with a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s in the future. At an organic level, cardiovascular diseases are the main ones to appear in relation to the chronic increase in sympathetic tone such as ischemic heart disease, arrhythmias and stroke, passing through endocrine alterations in relation to chronic hypercortisolemia, such as thyroid alterations and diseases autoimmune like vitiligo. In the same way, the lack of a restorative sleep worsens any kind of chronic organic pathology, both psychotic and any chronic pathology (hypertension, diabetes) and especially those that cause pain due to the hyperstimulation of both peripheral and central pain receptors. Treating lack of sleep with drugs relieves the symptom, but does not solve the underlying problem and often adds to the problem of dependence. But the positive news is that the best treatment depends on us and it is also cheap, but it requires awareness. Getting a good restful sleep for all our biological machinery in order to live fully involves living awake thinking and preparing the way to sleep.
- Neurogeriatrics, Head of the Geriatrics Service of the Central Hospital of the Red Cross “San
José y Santa Adela” in Madrid. Master in Research and in Ethics and Legislation. - Professor of Medicine at the Alfonso X el Sabio University of Madrid.
Ramón Gómez
SYMPOSIUM | Saturday 9th from 12:30 a 13:30 | Madrid Room
Multiple and different techniques have been described for the rehabilitation with implant-supported prostheses of the edentulous or quasi-edentulous patient. Many of these protocols achieve predictable results in terms of osseointegration, but often questionable in aesthetic terms. This conference develops a philosophy based on not only prosthodontic but also biological criteria to achieve aesthetic and stable results in this type of rehabilitation. At the same time, digital workflows are implemented with the aim of improving the efficiency of the protocols without sacrificing the objective of aesthetic, functional and structural excellence.
Dr. Ramón Gómez Meda obtained his Degree in Dentistry from the University of Santiago de Compostela in 1996 with the highest qualification. As a result, he was awarded the Award of the Autonomous Community of Galicia for Academic Excellence and a Scholarship from the Colegio de Córdoba for the best academic record at the national level. He has been distinguished with several more awards and scholarships throughout his professional career.
He decided to study all branches of dentistry in search of the one he was most passionate about: a Master’s Degree in Occlusion and Temporo-mandibular Dysfunction (Valencia, 98); postgraduate in orthodontics together with Prof. David Suárez Quintanilla (Santiago Compostela 98-99); Postgraduate in Periodontology and Implantology (Madrid 99-00). He completed his studies with stays in universities, clinics and hospitals in Europe and America.
He is an active member of various scientific societies (SEPES, SEPA, SECIB, SEI, SEOC, AEDE) and a regular speaker of SEPES in the field of multidisciplinary rehabilitation. It also offers courses and conferences on Periodontology, implants and complex multidisciplinary treatments at national and international level, in scientific congresses, universities, study groups, etc. He is currently a professor of the Continuing Education Committee of the General Council of Dentistry of Spain since 2011 and visiting professor of periodontics and aesthetic dentistry in different postgraduate programs. He has published more than 30 articles on different techniques for regeneration of hard and soft tissues, as well as multidisciplinary treatments.
He has maintained a private practice in Ponferrada (León) since 2001.
Pablo G. Cogolludo
HIGIENISTAS | Saturday 9 from 17:00 to 18:00
- Bachelor and Doctor of Dentistry from the Complutense University of Madrid.
- University Master’s Degree in Bucofacial Prosthesis, Complutense University.
- Associate Professor of the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Bucofacial Prosthesis Complutense University.
- Collaborating Professor in the Master of Restorative Dentistry Based on New Technologies of the University.
- Author of various publications in national and international magazines.
- Speaker of conferences and continuing training courses.
- Private practice as a specialist in Prosthodontics and Oral Rehabilitation in Madrid.
Óscar González
Sunday 10th from 17:30 till 18:15 | Roma Room
In recent years there have been developments in ceramic materials and laboratory and clinical processes, aimed at performing minimal or non-invasive dentistry, which provide clear benefits to our patients. However, we know very little about the behavior of these restorations and their technical peculiarities. During the conference, we will try to discuss these aspects as well as show the real clinical experience accumulated during the last ten years in the use of ceramic veneers of minimum thickness.
Degree in Dentistry. University of Seville (1999).
Periodontal and Perio-Prosthesis Program. University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine (2005-09).
Arnold Weisgold’s Director’s Award. University of Pennsylvania.
ITI Scholar Department of Fixed Prosthodontic. Université de Genéve (2009-10).
American Board of Periodontology Certified Diploma.
MSc. Masters of Science in Oral Biology. University of Pennsylvania
International PhD (University of Seville, 2015)
Adjunct Assistant Professor. Periodontal and Perio-Prosthesis Department. University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine.
Postgraduate Professor in Periodontology. Complutense University of Madrid.
Exclusive private practice in Periodontics, Prosthetics & Implants in Madrid (Gonzalez + Solano Atelier Dental).
Fabiola Guerrero
Lunes 11 de 10:00 a 10:30
Eating Disorders are increasingly prevalent disorders in our environment. Often times, the dentist may be the first professional to detect it. This presentation will address the reality of these disorders, the most frequent dental signs in these disorders and how they are treated comprehensively.
– Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the Complutense University of Madrid. Doctoral
student at the Autonomous University of Madrid pending the date of defense of the thesis this year 2021. Thesis title: Neurosurgery in patients with long-term severe anorexia nervosa.
– Clinical teaching collaborator of the Autonomous University of Madrid since 2016. Professor in the Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology in the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic years.
– Specialist in Pediatrics and its specific areas, with subspecialties in Pediatric Endocrinology and in Adolescent Medicine.
– Director of the website of the Spanish Society of Adolescent Medicine from 2014 to 2021.
– Presentation of posters and attendance at multiple courses, Congresses and scientific
meetings, both as assistant and speaker.
– Publications in national and international magazines.
– Since 2013 she has worked as a Pediatrician in the Adolescent Medicine Unit of the La Paz hospital and since 2017 in the Pediatrics, Adolescence and Young Adult Service of the Ruber Internacional hospital in Madrid.
Jan-Frederik Güth
Saturday 9th October - From 14:30 to 15:30 - Sala Roma
Luting: A next step towards clinical simplicity
The dental world is changing and taking the right decision for our patients gets more and more complex. Especially the digital workflow for indirect restorations involves multiple clinical treatment steps, comprising new laboratory procedures, innovative materials and latest technology. On the other hand, the success of our treatments is very dependent on our knowledge and hand skills of the operators. Namely the luting procedure as a final clinical step in the workflow gains particular importance and is often error prone… To overcome this risk ant the end of the indirect workflow, innovative luting materials might help to simplify the clinical handling and to avoid errors. The lecture reports on the first clinical and scientific experience with the new “simplicity of luting” supplemented with clinical tips and tricks for a safe and simple luting procedure.
Director and Chair, Department of Prosthodontics, Center for Dentistry and Oral Medicine, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
• Deputy Director of the Department of Prosthodontics, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
• Specialist in Implant Dentistry of the German Association of Implantology (DGI;
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Implantologie im Zahn- Mund- und Kieferbereich e.V.)
• Board Exam and Sepcialisation in Prosthodontics of the German Assosciation of
Prosthodontics and Biomaterials (DGPro)
• Habilitation “Evaluation of innovative treatment concepts using new restorative
materials and CAD/CAM technologies; Title: “Privatdozent”
• Vice President of the German Association of Dental Technology (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dentale Technologie)
• Affiliate Member of the EAED
• Member of the Nexte Generation Committee of the DGI (German Association of
• First Place Scientific Prize of the German Association of Cermics (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Keramik)
• Research Scholar at the Division of Restorative Sciences (chair: Dr. Sillas Duarte)
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Research with Privatdozent Dr.
Pascal Magne
• More than 75 international Publications, overall impact > 140
• More than 40 national and international lectures and courses / year
Nicolás Gutiérrez
SYMPOSIUM | Saturday 9th from 18:00 till 19:00 | Roma Room
Virtual occlusion is one of the essential links in the digital flow.
We will see how it affects the restorative management of virtual occlusion with the various groups of CAD / CAM materials, as well as its behavior in the medium term.
- Degree in Dentistry from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá in 1993.
- Private practice in Madrid with more than 10 years of experience in digital flow.
- Associated Fellow American Academy of Implant Dentistry Washington DC 2012.
- DOAACADEMY Director courses in digital dentistry since 2015.
- Associate professor at the International University Catalunya UIC since 2017
Louis Hardan
Sunday 10th from 16:15 till 17:00 | Roma Room
Photography is powerful in dentistry, its numerous applications such as diagnosis and treatment planning, legal documentation, publishing and lecturing has made digital photography a standard of care in modern dental practices.
Till few years the DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) cameras were the only way in dentistry to take high quality macro images.
Recently, smartphones have come a long way in digital photography due to recent technology development.
The purpose of this lecture is to demonstrate the capacity of these devices to take high quality dental images for our daily documentation and to present a new device for mobile photography: the Smile Lite MDP, which is very simple to use and allows to take high quality dental pictures with mobile phones.
The use of Smartphone photography in different fields of our daily dentistry will be also presented to overcome some dental problems.
Those pictures are useful in different types of documentation and communication, in a feasible teachable and repeatable way, by everyone and for everyday practice.
Prof. Louis Hardan is the Head of the Restorative and aesthetic Department at Saint Joseph University Beirut-Lebanon. He graduated dentistry in 1989 and continued his post-doctoral education at Saint Joseph University. Prof Hardan obtained a certificate in basic science in 1993 and completed his specialization in restorative and aesthetic dentistry in 1995, in 2009 completed his Ph.D. in oral biology and materials. Prof Hardan was an active member of the Lebanese Dental Association (LDA) (2006-2009) and was assigned as a General Secretary of the LDA in 2009.
At the present, he is an Associate Professor at Saint Joseph University and owns a private practice in his hometown Byblos. He is an honorary and active international Styleitaliano member, head of the networking and media section and coordinator of all Styleitaliano departments. Additionally, he is the inventor of Smile Lite MDP (Smile Line, Switzerland) a device to take high-quality dental pictures with a mobile phone and Posterior Misura (LM instrument) an instrument for direct posterior composites. Prof. Hardan has many publications in international journals and has given several lectures on aesthetic, restorative dentistry and mobile dental photography.
Sascha Hein
A new scientific approach to unlock the secrets of shade matching without shade guides
Reliable shade matching of indirect restorations with natural dentition remains to be a formidable challenge, even for the most experienced restorative team. Redo’s are unfortunately common and costly, providing frequent cause for friction among its team members. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. With the eLAB system it is now possible to use a DSLR camera or even a smartphone paired with a suitable illumination device to quantify and communicate tooth shade objectively. Learn about the system that perfected shade
matching in dentistry even if you already take shades every day.
Key Learning Goals:
1. The pros and cons of visual shade assessment?
2. Understanding light propagation through dental hard tissues (Biophotonics)
3. Replacing shade guides with a color appearance model
4. Acquiring target shades with a DSLR camera or with a smartphone
5. The eLAB digital workflow
6. Various clinical examples
Sascha Hein is a professional dental technician, a member of Oral Design Group established by Willi Geller and a member of Bio Emulation.
Sascha completed his dental technician studies in Germany, later deepening his knowledge with a master in the field of ceramic modeling, Kuwata Masahiro, in Tokyo and studying at the Master School in Freiburg. Here, he was awarded a silver Kanter medal.
Sascha has gained experience working in Germany, Italy, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates. He lectures internationally and is the author of numerous publications, including the QDT Yearbook 2009 and 2011. After spending twelve years in Perth, Western Australia, Sascha Hein returned to Freiburg, Germany, where he now lives and works.
Federico Hernández
Sunday 10th from 16:15 a 17:00 | Auditorium Room
The reconstruction of hard tissues in implant treatments has been one of the most important therapeutic challenges in recent years. The present and future of these treatments is a paradigm shift and is articulated in three fundamental facts: 1-The incorporation of 3D analysis tools that allow accurate diagnosis, planning and execution. 2-The development of minimally invasive surgery techniques that considerably reduce the morbidity of our treatments, and 3-finally the incorporation of new biomaterials and tissue engineering techniques. It is indisputable that personalized medicine and dentistry are here to stay and will not only improve the predictability of our treatments, but will also reduce the access barrier for patients and clinicians.
Dr. Federico Hernández-Alfaro MD, DDS, PhD, FEBOMS
Professor & Chairman Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. International University of Catalonia.
Director of the Maxillofacial Institute. Teknon Medical Center
Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine.
Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry.
Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Diploma in “European Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery”.
Professor and Head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. UIC-Barcelona
Director of the Maxillofacial Institute. Teknon Medical Center
Author of the books “Grafts in Implant Dentistry”, “Advanced Implant Surgery”, “Bone Grafting in Oral Implantology” and “Controversial Issues in Implant Dentistry”.
120 indexed articles
Ronaldo Hirata
Saturday 9th from 10:30 till 12:00 | Auditorium Room
- Master in Dentistry of Dental Materials – Pontificia Universidad Católica of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS)
- Doctorate in Restorative Dentistry – State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)
- Post-Doctorate in Biomaterials – New York University (NYU)
- Author of books: TIPS: dicas em odontologia esthetic (Editora Artes Médicas) and SHORTCUTS in aesthetic dentistry (Quintessence Editor)
- Coordinator of the Advanced Aesthetics Update course (Faculdade Ilapeo – PR)
- Professor of the department of Biomaterials and Biomimetics – University of New York (NYU)
Alexis Ioannidis
Sunday 10th from 13:00 till 13:45 | Roma Room
In our daily practice, we acquire a lot of digital data. On one hand, these data can be used to facilitate the communication to our patients. This helps to appropriately inform our patients and thus enhance the awareness for a planned therapy. On the other hand, the generated digital data and the further data-processing can serve the clinician to make the therapy more reliable by using them in a guided surgery workflow.
University of Zurich Center of Dental Medicine Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry
Alexis Ioannidis is a Senior Teaching and Research Assistant at the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, University of Zurich, Switzerland. He graduated 2009 at the University of Zurich and received the title „Dr. med. dent.“ at the same University (2013). After completion of a 3-year post-graduate training at the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry at the University of Zurich in 2016, he received a stipend founded by the Clinical Research Foundation to spend 6 months as a research fellow at the Department of Biomaterials at the University of Athens, Greece. Since 2017 he serves as a full-time Senior Teaching and Research Assistant at the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry at the University of Zurich. His clinical focus is on the comprehensive treatment of complex, fully dentated or partially edentulous patients applying all available options of prosthetic dentistry including dental implants. He is a specialist for reconstructive dentistry (Swiss Society for Reconstructive Dentistry), an EPA Recognized Specialist in Prosthetic Dentistry (European Prosthodontic Association), has a Master of Advanced Studies in Periodontology and a Master of Advanced Studies in Oral Implantology (University of Zurich). His main scientific interest is related to minimally invasive prosthetic treatment concepts. He has published > 25 scientific and clinical articles, mostly in high-ranked peer-reviewed journals.
Jesús Isidro
SIMPOSIO | Saturday 9 from 17:00 to 18:00 | Sala Roma
The challenge of being faithful to my design; clinical-laboratory communication in the digital age
Digital dentistry and the use of increasingly sophisticated software, by the clinical and laboratory technician, helps us to obtain a better planning of our treatments thanks to the creation of a “virtual patient” as well as a communication with the technical that goes beyond what is known until now. However, to reach this optimal communication we have to establish new work protocols in our planning and in the execution of clinical steps, as well as know the new work methods that the laboratory uses.
From aesthetic restorations, to complete oral restorations, passing through rehabilitations of our implants, our objective is that our planning, based on the diagnosis made, is transmitted to the laboratory in such a way that it can be reproduced accurately, that we can communicate every detail with our laboratory technician and that he reproduce the work faithfully.
Know well the clinical digital tools, the new work protocols and what processes follow the laboratory, it is essential for communication. The use of resources digital image capture, instant communication and virtual meeting, allows us today to optimally transfer our technician, from the aesthetic requirements of the patient, to every functional detail of our treatment thanks to a fluid and instantaneous communication, visual, detailed and bidirectional.
In this talk, the aim is to give the clinical keys to optimize this communication making the most of the available tools and explaining the work protocols suitable digital devices for predictable results.
Degree in Dentistry 2004 Complutense University of Madrid
Master in Bucofacial Prosthesis 2004-2006 Complutense University of Madrid
General Dentist General Dentistry Vitaldent 2004-2006
Dentist specializing in aesthetics and prosthetics General dentistry, endodontics and prostheses and implant prostheses Humanes Dental 2006-2009
Dentist specializing in aesthetics, prosthetics and orthodontics Invisalign General dentistry, endodontics, prostheses, implant prostheses, aesthetics and Orthodontics Invisalign Noxadent 2007-20013
Dentist specializing in aesthetics and prostheses Prosthesis, implant prosthesis and aesthetics Professor Rivero Lesmes Clinic 2007-2017
Endodontic specialist dentist Endodontics Clinic Dres. Faraco 2007-2012
Medical Director and partner All areas of dentistry and clinical management Isidro y Márquez 2012-…
Master in Dental Sciences (in the absence of a TFM) 2006-2007 Research methodology 24 ECTS
Specialist course in aesthetics NYU Knowledge of aesthetics, periodontics and mucogingival surgery 6 weeks
Master in Orthodontics Invisalign (Drs. Malagón and Peydró) and System Certification 2009
Knowledge of pre-prosthetic orthodontics and indications for the Invisalign technique 50 hours
Endodontic Specialist Course Advanced endodontic treatments with rotary systems and three-dimensional sealing 50 hours
Professor of the Master of Periodontology and Surgery and the Master of Prosthetics at the Mississippi University Institution (UAH) between 2007-2009 with subsequent collaborations and more than 100 accredited teaching hours. One-off collaborations in the Master of Integrated Dentistry at the UB (University of Barcelona). Lecturer in Adhered Rehabilitation and Digital Dentistry courses, member of SEPES since 2004 and member of the SOCE board. Professor in the Master of Bucofacial Prosthesis at the UCM. Visiting professor in the Master’s Degree in Integrated Adult Studies at the University of Barcelona. Professor of the Master’s Degree in Oral Rehabilitation at UCAM (Almería and Jaén locations) and Professor of the Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation at UMC (Madrid and Valladolid locations)
Manuel Izquierdo
SYMPOSIUM | Saturday 9th from 17:00 till 18:00 | Paris Room
Dental technician who operates in Tenerife. He has a training acquired over almost 30 years of experience in the dental sector, dedicating his first 10 years to training and working in 2 German laboratories, to later become part of the INDUSTRIA DENTAL PRÓTESICA DE TENERIFE laboratory as technical director, where they acquire knowledge and training during the 12 years that the activity lasts.
Founder of the IGM Dental Prosthesis Laboratory.
Lecturer in numerous courses on implants, micro mills, dental ceramics, structures, and composites.
Collaborator of the Ticare and GC houses. IBERICA testing materials, giving training courses and providing technical support in the Canary Islands.
Matthias Kern
Graduation from Dental School in Freiburg, Germany in 1985. Assistant Professor in the Department of Prosthodontics, University of Freiburg 1985-1991. Dr. med. dent. thesis 1987. 1991-1993 Visiting Research Associate Professor, University of Maryland at Baltimore, USA (Grant of the German Society of Research). 1995 Dr. med. dent. habil. thesis, Vice Chairman of the Department of Prosthodontics, University of Freiburg. 1997 Professor and Chairman of the Department of Prosthodontics, Propaedeutics and Dental Materials, Christian-Albrechts University at Kiel, Germany. In December 2011 he received the Schweitzer Research Award of the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics (GNYAP). He served as President of the German Society for Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomaterials (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Prothetische Zahnmedizin und Biomaterialien e.V. – DGPro) from June 2012 until September 2016. He serves in the Editorial Board of more than 10 peer-reviewed scientific journals and has published more than 400 scientific articles. In 2017 his book RBFDPs – Resin Bonded Fixed Dental Prostheses – minimally invasive – esthetic – reliable has been published by Quintessence.
Sidney Kina
Monday 11st from 11:45 till 14:00 | Madrid Room
Invisible: bonded ceramic restorations in the digital age
Adhered cementation undoubtedly revolutionized rehabilitative dentistry and made us change all existing preparation and rehabilitation concepts. With the digital age, are we facing a new revolution? We will try to respond and analyze the new challenges that we face.
Dental surgeon in a private clinic in the city of Maringá, Paraná, Brazil.
Master in the Dental Clinic by the FOP / UNICAMP.
Doctor in Dental Prosthesis from UNESP / Araçatuba.
Author of the books “Invisível Restaurações Estéticas Cerâmicas” and Equilibrium: ceramics adesivas case book “.
Ana Laffond
HIGIENISTAS | Saturday 9 from 12:15 to 13:00
The role of the hygienist in digital orthodontic treatments
- Degree in Dentistry UCM, 1992
- Master in Pediatric Dentistry UCM, 1994
- Collaborating professor of the Master in Pediatric Dentistry UCM, 1994-97
- Master in Orthodontics Gnathos Foundation, 2009-2011
- Guest professor at the Ortoquick Master
- Invited professor at the Master’s Degree in Restorative Dentistry based on UCM New Technologies
- Member of SEOP, AEDE, SEDA
- Invisalign System Certified
- Official Cerec Ortho Trainer
- Private Practice in Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
Ignazio Loi
Monday 11st from 13:15 till 14:00 | Auditorium Room
He graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Odontoestomatology
and dental prosthesis at the University of Cagliari.
Active member of the Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry.
Associate Professor at the University of Pisa
Adjunct professor at the San Raffaele Vita-Salute University
Co-author of the book “Peripheral Bone Remodeling: Scientific Background and Clinical Implications”.
Publisher: Quintessenza
Co-author of the chapter “Systematic approach to immediate loading in the front group” of the book “Il Carico Immediato”.
He is the author and co-author of several scientific publications.
He practises his profession in Cagliari.
Almudena Martínez
HIGIENISTAS | Saturday 9 from 13:00 to 13:45
Teeth Whitening and New Technologies
Update in Combined Dental Whitening Techniques (In-Office & At-Home), both in protocols and in the use of new technologies.
The Teeth Whitening Patient: From A to Z
In the Workshop we will review the current procedures from the first diagnostic appointment, records and organization of appointments to the protocols of revisions and maintenance, going through the management of dental sensitivity both intra and postoperatively.
- Licenciada en Odontología por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
- Docotora en Odontología UCM
- Especialista en Implantoprótesis por la UCM
- Profesora del Máster en Odontología Restauradora basada en las Nuevas Tecnologías (UCM)
- Práctica privada en estética y odontología restauradora
Ernest Mallat
Sunday 10th from 12:15 till 14:30 | Auditorium Room
The demand for an improvement in oral aesthetics continues to form part of the day-to-day in our consultations, especially due to the high prevalence of wear and tear in the population. There is a group of patients in whom the degree of wear present is intense and affects all or practically all the teeth of the mouth. The aesthetic rehabilitation of these patients requires knowing the aesthetic references to plan the cases correctly but at the same time, To make this aesthetic last, it will be convenient to make it compatible with the function. For functional rehabilitation it will not only be necessary to know the mechanisms that have led to the current situation that the patient presents, but also that the restorations are integrated into the functional scheme of the patient (occlusion, chewing, phonetics) and make proper use of the restorative materials. In this conference all the keys will be given to be able to overcome these challenges and be able to achieve success in this type of treatment
Graduate in Medicine and Surgery (University of Barcelona, 1992,)
Degree in Dentistry (Complutense University of Madrid, 1995)
Postgraduate Diploma in Oral Prosthesis (University of Barcelona, 1997)
Director of the Postgraduate Course in Prosthetics of the Catalan Society of Dentistry and Stomatology since 2007
President of the Catalan Society of Dentistry and Stomatology
He has taught more than 180 courses and has given more than 50 conferences in Spain and abroad on Fixed Prosthesis, Totally Ceramic Prosthesis, Removable Partial Prosthesis, Implant Prosthesis, Implant Overdentures, Occlusion and Rehabilitation of large wears.
Author and co-author of the following books:
- FUNDAMENTALS OF ORAL AESTHETICS IN THE PREVIOUS GROUP. E.Mallat Desplats, E.Mallat Callís. Ed.Quintessence. 2001
- REMOVABLE PARTIAL PROSTHESIS AND OVERDENTURES. E.Mallat Desplats, E.Mallat Callís. Ed Elsevier 2003.
- THE KEYS TO FIXED ZIRCONIUM OXIDE PROSTHESIS. E.Mallat Callís, J. Cadafalch Cabaní, J. de Miguel Figuero. Digital edition in Ibooks, 2016.
- THE KEYS TO THE FIXED CERAMIC PROSTHESIS. E.Mallat Callís, J. Cadafalch Cabaní, J. de Miguel Figuero. Editorial Medical Service Library, 2018.
- RESTORATION OF THE ENDODONTIC TOOTH. CLINICAL MANUAL. E.Mallat Callís. Editorial Librería Servicio Médico, 2019.
- OVERDENTURES ON IMPLANTS. CLINICAL MANUAL. E.Mallat Callís. Editorial Medical Service Library, 2020.
Carlos Manrique
SIMPOSIO | Saturday 9 from 18:00 to 19:00 | Sala París
Digital flow with iTero® scanner and Encode® system on implants. Implementation protocol in daily practice.
Prosthetic restoration on implants with digital flow is a treatment that is becoming common in dental clinics. For this reason, it is important to become familiar with a scanning and scanbody system that is simple and easy to apply in daily work protocols. In addition, if we are talking about prostheses on implants, this methodology must have enough versatility to allow it to be implemented in the rhythm of the clinic without complicating the established procedures, and must, therefore, be useful and dynamic between the communication of the clinic and the laboratory. Therefore, the Encode system responds to this premise and allows intraoral reading in a comfortable and clear way, achieving the positioning of digital implant analogs. On the other hand, these abutments have the advantage of being able to be used as healing abutments, so that, if desired, they can be placed immediately after insertion of the implant and it would not be necessary to remove it to put the impression abutments. Therefore, we are faced with a reliable and safe system in the digital flow of prosthetic treatment on implants.
Degree in Dentistry, European University of Madrid. Master in Advanced Oral Implantology, European University of Madrid. Doctor of Dentistry, Complutense University of Madrid. Associate Professor of “DENTAL OCCLUSION”, European University of Madrid, 2002-2011. Associate Professor of the “Master of Advanced Oral Implantology”, European University of Madrid, 2004 – Present. Member of the European Association of Osseointegration EAO. Full member of the Spanish Society of Oral Surgery SECIB. Full member of the Spanish Society of Stomatological and Aesthetic Prosthesis SEPES. Member of the Spanish Society of Implantology SEI.
Marco Martignoni
Monday 11st from 12:30 till 13:15 | Auditorium Room
Modern dentistry is offering multiple possibilities to dentists in order to ensure optimal restoration of form and function when needed.
Digital tools enable practicioners to develop restorative plans that can be easily followed so to offer patients rapid and efficient restorations.
Transferring datas from the chair to the lab enhances this modern approach.
Careful material selection becomes mandatory in order to maintain good quality of the frameworks that will be delivered.
Preparation design is going to be crucial for what concerns material handling, cementation protocols and simplicity overall of restoring the broken down function.
A novel simplified system intended to be suitable for controlling and mantaining marginal fitting and integrity when a digital scan is involved.
Professor Marco Martignoni graduated with distinction from University of Chieti, Italy, in 1988. From 1989 through 1991 he followed continuing education courses at the Henry Goldman school of Dental Medicine, Boston University USA, with Dr. Herbert Schilder. In 1992 he followed a continuing education programme with Dr. Cliff Ruddle in Santa Barbara, California USA.
He leads a private clinic in Rome, Italy, and dedicates his practice mainly to endodontics, pre-prosthetic core built-up and prosthodontics. He has published research on post endodontic core build-up and, as a speaker, gives numerous lectures and practical workshops in Italy and worldwide on endodontics, core build up and restorative procedures and on the use of operatory microscope in dentistry.
He is past-president of the Italian Society of Endodontics and has been president of the congress ESE-Rome 2011 (European Society of Endodontology). He is the founder of the Italian Academy of Microscopic Dentistry and is an honorary member of the French Society of Endodontics.
Juan Mesquida
SYMPOSIUM | Saturday 9th from 15:30 till 16:30 | Madrid Room
The bone architecture and phenotypic characteristics of the post-extraction socket, together with the selection of the implant, are possibly the variables with the greatest impact on the predictability of the aesthetic result in implant-supported restorations. Specifically, the management of the space between the alveolar walls and the external contour of the fixation (gap) has been the subject of controversy, particularly in the last two decades. This presentation will focus on the management of the socket with limited bucolingual dimension and on the different treatment options for situations such as the one described above, from a perspective based on scientific evidence. Also, new biomaterials, implants and novel techniques for the treatment of these scenarios will be presented.
Dr. Juan Mesquida graduated from Alfonso X El Sabio University in 2005. Since then, he has been committed to development and research in the field of dental implantology. In 2006 he obtained a Master’s degree in implantology from the Barcelona School of Implantology and in 2011 he graduated from the full-time specialization program in Advanced Implantology at the University of Loma Linda (California, USA), where he is currently an assistant professor.
During his specialization at Loma Linda University, Dr. Mesquida received multiple awards, including the first award received for the best presentation in implant research by the American Academy of Implantology (AAID) in 2010 (Boston, Massachusetts, USA. In 2011 he won the same award again in Las Vegas (Nevada, USA), something that had never happened in more than 30 years of AAID history.
Currently, Juan combines his passion for the clinical practice of implantology in Palma de Mallorca with his work as a teacher and disseminator for the Loma Linda Advanced implantology program, for which he regularly lectures internationally. Juan Mesquida has published several scientific articles in high impact implantology journals and has written several chapters in multiple books related to implantology and currently published by Quintessence and Elsevier.
Antonio Montero
Monday 11 from 15:00 to 15:30
The digitization of our society and globalization have given rise to a new business model
based on the online sale of dental treatments. Teeth whitening systems, discharge splints, polishers. even “invisible” orthodontic treatments can be freely purchased online. Without any professional intervening in the diagnosis or in the prescription of these treatments. Devices that do not have any control of the regulatory agencies of medicines and health products. The legal vacuum regarding this sales system and the foreign location of the distribution platforms makes the legal fight against this business system very difficult, which poses a real risk to the health of patients.
- Graduate in medicine and surgery. Complutense University of Madrid (1991).
- Degree in Dentistry. Complutense University of Madrid (1994).
- University Specialist in Endodontics. Complutense University of Madrid (1996).
- Associate Professor of the Department of Conservative Dentistry of the Faculty of Dentistry. U.C.M.
- Professor of the Master of Endodontics at the Southern Mississippi University Institution (1998-2004).
- Co-director of the Master of Endodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry. U.C.M.
- Titular Member of the Spanish Association of Endodontics.
- Member of the American Association of Endodontics.
- Annual Scientific Award College of Dentists I Region “Professor D. Pedro Ruiz de Temiño Malo” 2002.
- Secretary Treasurer of the Spanish Association of Endodontics (2008-2012).
- Vice-president of the scientific commission of the College of Dentists I Region (2012-2016).
- President of the College of Dentists I Region (2016).
- Mastering essence in Surgical Endodontics. Dott. Arnaldo Castellucci. Florence, Italy.
- Private practice dedicated to endodontics.
Consultation exclusively dedicated to endodontics and endodontic microsurgery. The clinic is located at 129 Jorge Juan Street in Madrid and was inaugurated in 1995. The practice is equipped with two ZEISS operating microscopes and Carestream 8300 CBCT Tomograph. All treatments are performed with rotary instrumentation and obturation with gutta-percha systems. thermoplastic.
Eliana Ottaviano
HIGIENISTAS | Saturday 9 from 11:30 to 12:15
Use of new technologies in the treatment and maintenance of periodontal and peri-implant diseases
- Graduated in “Igiene Dentale” from the University “La Sapienza”, Rome. Director: Prof. Andrea Pilloni.
- Higher degree technician in Oral Hygiene OPESA, Madrid.
- Period Clinic “Plenido Francisco de Sales” Dr. Javier Alandez 2015-2018
- Private practice as a hygienist at Pradies and Laffond Dental Institute and Ivan Malagon clinic, Madrid.
Gianluca Paniz
Moday 11st from 11:45 till 12:30 | Auditorium Room
The selection of the restorative finishing line in the esthetic zone can have a significant importance in the achievement of a long lasting esthetic result. Horizontal and vertical finishing lines have advantages and disadvantages, related to the material selection, to the complexity or simplicity of the clinical procedures and especially to the prosthetic management of the periodontal tissues. In this lecture, we will examine different clinical conditions in the esthetic zone, trying to understand when and why is more beneficial to select a chamfer or a featheredge in order to obtain the best white and pink esthetic result.
- Prosthodontist, Diplomate of the American Board of Prosthodontics
- Adjunct Professor, University of Padua, Italy
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, TUFTS University, Boston, USA
- Gianluca Paniz achieved his DDS from Padova University (Italy) in 2002.
Dr. Gianluca Paniz achieved his DDS from Padova University (Italy) in 2002.
Since June 2003 he has been training at TUFTS University School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA (USA).
In June 2006 he achieved the Certificate in Advanced Education in Prosthodontics, in September 2006 the Master of Science (MS) with a Master Thesis about color achievement with different crown systems, and in December 2006 the Certificate of Advanced Education in Esthetic Dentistry (AEED).
From January 2007 Dr.Paniz is working in Italy, in Padova and Verona, (dental offices member of the International Institute of Implant and Esthetic Dentistry. He limite his practice to to prosthodontics, on natural teeth and on implants, with particular focus on esthetic dentistry.
Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry at TUFTS University, School of Dental Medicine.
Visiting Professor in the Department of Implantology at Padova University School of Dental Medicine, developing different research protocols in the field of implant prosthodontics.
Member of the Italian Association of Dentists (ANDI), of the Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry (AIOP) and of the Italian College of Prosthodontists (ICP).
Since 2011 Dr.Paniz is Fellow of the Italian Society of Osseointegration (SIO) and member of its Scientific Commitee. Since 2011, he is also Fellow of the Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (IAED).
Member and founder of the Italian Tufts Alumni (ITA), of the education center ABCDental – Advanced Dental Culture.
Gianluca founded in Padova in 2016 Antonianum Institute, Study Club with the goal of contribute to the education of national and international collegues.
National and international lecturer and author of different scientific publications.
Diplomate of the American Board of Prosthodontics and International Fellow of the American College of Prosthodontics (ACP).
In July 216, gianluca Paniz achieves the title of Phd (Doctor Philosophiae), the maximum academic achievement in the world.
Stavros Pelekanos
Sunday 10th from 15:30 till 16:15 | Auditorium Room
The numbers of implants placed in recent years are increasing. Subsequently, and as a result, the numbers of complications associated with implants are higher as well.
Implant complications can be of technical, biological and esthetic nature.
Periimplantitis and malposition of implants are two of the most common problems a clinician is facing in the office. This presentation will focus on the categorization of implant complications and the treatment especially in the esthetic zone. With the help of a case series different treatment modalities and sequencing will be discussed.
Dr. Stavros Pelekanos received his undergraduate degree in Dentistry (D.D.S.) from the University of Athens, Greece. In 1993, he obtained his doctoral degree in Prosthodontics (Dr med dent) from the University of Freiburg (Prof. Dr. J.R. Strub), Germany. Following his professional training, Dr. Pelekanos established a private practice in Athens, oriented towards prosthodontics, implantology and esthetic dentistry.
In 2002, he was appointed full-time Lecturer at the Department of Prosthodontics, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece, and in 2012 Assistant Professor in the same department. Since 2013 he is an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED). His professional affiliations include: The International College of Prosthodontics (ICP), European Prosthodontic Association (EPA), Greek Prosthodontic Association and many others. He is a faculty member of gIDE Institute (Global Institute of Dental Education, Los Angeles, California) and Dental Tribune (CME courses) lecturing internationally and performing hands on courses on implants, aesthetics and restorative procedures.
In 2008 and 2011, Dr. Pelekanos received second and first prize at the scientific award competition of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry held in Madrid, Spain and Istanbul, Turkey respectively. To date he has published over twenty articles in peer reviewed journals and 3 chapters in books.
J M Prieto
Monday 11 from 10:30 to 11:00
-Degree in Dentistry, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
-Master in TMJ Pathology. Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital. Madrid.
-Master in Craniomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain. Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital. Madrid.
-Expert in Dental Sleep Medicine. Spanish Federation of Sleep Medicine Societies (FESMES).
-Vocal Craniomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain of the Scientific Commission of the Illustrious Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of the I Region. Madrid (COEM). From 2006 to date.
-Director of the Update Course in Pharmacotherapy in Dentistry of the Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of the I Region. Madrid (COEM). From 2007 to date.
-Ex-Vice President of the Spanish Society of Craniomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain (SEDCYDO). 2010-2013
-Vocal of the Spanish Society of Dental Sleep Medicine (SEMDeS).
-President elect of the Spanish Society of Craniomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain (SEDCYDO). 2022-2025
-Active member of the Spanish Society of Craniomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain (SEDCYDO), Spanish Society of Pain (SED), Spanish Multidisciplinary Pain Society (SEMDOR), Spanish Society of Evidence-Based Dentistry (SEOBE), Spanish Sleep Society (SES), Spanish Society of Dental Sleep Medicine (SEMDeS) and Spanish Society of Pharmacology (SOCESFAR).
-Collaborating professor:
Official Master’s Degree in Orofacial Pain and Craniomandibular Dysfunction from San Pablo CEU University. Madrid.
Master’s Degree in Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain at the U. Complutense de Madrid (UCM).
-Exclusive private practice of Craniomandibular Dysfunction, Orofacial Pain and Dental Sleep Medicine in Madrid, Spain.
Ricardo Recena
Sunday 10th from 13:45 till 14:30 | Roma Room
In general, one of the values most appreciated by patients is the quality and final aesthetics of our treatments. However, time currently plays a fundamental role in the perception of these values. When used well, technology can help us and provide safe and predictable work protocols to achieve the appropriate results from this difficult equation. In this talk we will see how to transform the complex into simple and optimize our clinical time in a predictable way and without giving up on quality.
- Integral Dedication to Oral Rehabilitation by Digital flow
- Technician in Dental Prosthesis – Sao Paulo – Brazil (1993-1995)
- Graduate in Dentistry – UMESP – Sao Paulo – Brazil (1997-2002)
- Master in Oral Rehabilitation and Implants – Sao Paulo – Brazil (2002-2004)
- Digital Smile Design Certified Member – University of Valencia – Spain (2013)
Carlos Repullo
SIMPOSIO | Saturday 9 from 14:30 to 15:30 | Sala Auditorio
Digital integration
The digitization of dentistry is transforming the workflow within the dental practice. New tools based on new technologies help us to optimize clinical procedures in the diagnosis, planning and execution of treatment. The objective of this course is to show the possibilities that digital flow offers us within oral implantology and how to implement it in the day-to-day life of the dental clinic.
- Degree in Dental Medicine, ISCS-SUL (Lisbon, Portugal)
- Diploma in Implant Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons of England (London, UK)
- Advance certificate in Implant Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons of England (London, UK)
- Certified CEREC Trainer, International Society of Computerized Dentistry
- Dentsply Sirona CEREC Advocate
- Representative in Spain of the Academy of Digital Dentistry
- Founder of Academia CADDENTAL
- Speaker at national and international conferences on Oral Digital Implantology, Guided
- Surgery, CAD / CAM CBCT.
- Private practice in Seville, Spain
Xavier Rodríguez
SYMPOSIUM | Saturday 9th from 15:30 till 16:30 | Auditorio Room
The success of digitalization and conicity
The tendency to gingival recession is one of the great problems that we face on a daily basis. This tissue trend compromises the aesthetics and function of implant restorations, often leading to peri-implantitis and restoration failure.
The “Dominance of the Forms” is the principle that has been clinically shown to break the trend of gingival recession. This principle manages to improve peri-implant tissues spontaneously if applied correctly. The main benefit obtained is the protection of the implants against recession and peri-implantitis.
The digitization of the implant planning and rehabilitation process allows to get the most out of the transmucosal portion of rehabilitation.
This presentation will show the steps necessary to rehabilitate patients in a predictable way to achieve optimal esthetic results and avoid peri-implantis often derived from poor treatment planning.
Bachelor of Medicine (1992), specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (2000) and Doctor cum laude in Medicine and Surgery (2005) for the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Private practice in CambraClínic & Associates, (Barcelona 2007 -) and Esthetic Bcn (2014 -).
As co-founder and head of research of the implantology study group BORG since 2005, he has participated in numerous high-impact articles on aesthetics and multidisciplinary oral rehabilitation, as well as studies collaborating with universities in Barcelona, Madrid, Kyoto, Torino, New York and Murcia. He has lectured about aesthetic dentistry around the world, highlighting the International Symposium on Oral Implantology (Mexico DF, IOIS 2013), the Japanese Research and Technology Forum (Osaka, JRTF 2014) or the Italian Academy di Odontoiatria Prosthetic (Bologna, AIOP 2015) among many others.
He was Secretary of the Catalan-Balearic Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (SCBCOM) until 2015 and is a visiting professor of implantology at the European University of Madrid (UEM) and the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) and Head of Research at the BORG Center since 2012.
Currently, he’s implantology and prosthesis consultant for Sweden & Martina.
Enrique Rojas
Monday 11st from 17:00 till 18:30 | Auditorium Room
7 tips to be happy
Professor of Psychiatry and director of the Spanish Institute of Psychiatric Research.
Isabel Rojas
Monday 11st from 17:00 till 18:30 | Auditorium Room
Isabel Rojas Estapé has a degree in Psychology and a degree in Journalism (Univ. San Pablo CEU). She works at the Spanish Institute of Psychiatric Research in Madrid where she dedicates her attention to people with personality disorders and affective disorders. He also conducts Couple Therapies.
In recent years he has focused his work on psychosomatic medicine studying the interaction between emotions and their impact on the body. He teaches courses and seminars on will, perseverance and motivation. He is currently doing his doctoral thesis on happiness.
Vygandas Rutkünas
Sunday 10th from 12:15 till 13:00 | Roma Room
Prof. Vygandas Rutkūnas, DDS, PhD, Dipl. Prosthodontist.
Institute of Odontology, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University.
DIGITORUM research group (www.digitorum.eu)
The success of implant-supported prostheses directly depends on the quality of the planning and implementation accuracy. Rational planning and accurate positioning of the implants enable to minimize tissue regeneration procedures and to simplify prosthetic procedures. Also, final prosthetic components can be fabricated before the surgical procedures and early loading protocols applied. The integration of digital implantology and prosthodontics is the key to achieve better biological and technical outcomes. However, objective evaluation of the passive-fit is still challenging, and the knowledge of how the misfit could affect the treatment outcomes is still lacking. In this lecture, the ADIP (Accurate Digital Implantology and Prosthodontics) workflow will be presented along with results of the newest research findings.
Undergraduate studies in the Faculty of Dentistry, Kaunas Medical University, Lithuania;
PhD studies in Department of Masticatory Function Rehabilitation, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan.
Recipient of “A.R. Frechette 2004 New Investigator Award” prize in IADR) meeting, Honolulu (USA).
From 2005
Assistant Professor, Center of Prosthodontics, Institute of Odontology, Vilnius University;
PhD degree, Institute of Odontology, Vilnius University/ Tokyo Medical and Dental University.
From 2006 Head of Division of Prosthodontics, Institute of Odontology, Vilnius University.
From 2009
Associated Professor, Division of Prosthodontics, Institute of Odontology, Vilnius University.
Full professor in Institute of Odontology, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, Lithuania.
Founder of the dental clinic ProDentum, DIGITORUM lab and education center.
Leader of the DIGITORR (Digital Oral Rehabilitation Research) team, focusing on validation of the digital workflow in prosthodontics and implant dentistry, 3D printed bone scaffold, bruxism monitoring etc.
Developer of the ADIP workflow (Accurate Digital Implantology and Prosthodontics)
President of Lithuanian Society of Prosthodontics. Board member of the European Prosthodontic Association (EPA), Digital Dentistry Society (DDS).
Main research interests: accuracy of the digital implant placement, digital prosthodontics, bioengineering.
Reviewer in 14 peer-reviewed journals.
Co-author of 6 textbooks.
Irena Sailer
Monday 11st from 15:00 till 16:30 | Auditorium Room
The restoration of a tooth or the replacement of a missing tooth in the esthetic area is very delicate, specifically in-patient cases with high lip line. At demanding patients high efforts have to be made to reduce the risk for not ideally shaped or colored restorations and/or for soft tissue discolorations in order to avoid esthetic failure. From a restorative point of view the type of reconstruction and the material it is made out of have a significant influence on the result. The current restorative material options offer many esthetic features to best copy the optical properties of teeth. The color, chroma and lightness of the esthetic materials (e.g. ceramics) are hereby important parameters. Furthermore, the translucency is a important both for the mimicking of teeth as also for the masking of discolorations. A stuctured approach for the evaluation and the establishment of the white esthetics helps reducing the risk for unpleasant surprises with the result.
Discolored non-vital abutment teeth are a specific challenge with this respect since they may not only be difficult to be masked, but they also may be associated with soft tissue discoloration. Recent studies have evaluated the threshold for the visibility of dental and of mucosal/gingival discoloration. These studies have shown that the human eye detects soft tissue discoloration at similar threshold values as it would detect tooth discoloration. Hence, the pink esthetics is at least as important as the white esthetics. Besides the non-vital teeth implant reconstructions may be challenging with this respect. It has been shown that greyish metallic abutments and metal- ceramic reconstructions lead to dark discoloration of the soft tissue. In conclusion, the selection of the material and the restorative components is of great importance for all types of restorations. Clinicians and technicians need to be aware of the possibilities and also of the limitations of the current restorative options.
Understand the potential of modern reconstructive dentistry with its potential to eliminate complications and achieve a predictable esthetic outcome
Learning objectives:
- Understand the criteria that influence the esthetics of teeth and of soft tissues
- Learn about the visibility of discolorations
- Learn about the restorative options, their possibilities and limitations
- Learn to select restorative options for predictable white and pink esthetic
Irena Sailer received her dental education and Dr. med. dent. degree from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tübingen, Germany in 1997/ 1998. In 2003 Dr. Sailer received an Assistant Professorship at the Clinic of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Sciences in Zurich. From 2010 on she was an Associate Professor at the same clinic. In 2007 Dr. Sailer was a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Biomaterials and Biomimetics, Dental College, New York University, USA. Additionally, since 2009 she holds an Adjunct Associate Professorship at the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences, Robert Schattner Center, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, USA. Since September 2013 she is the Head of the Division of Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials at the University of Geneva. Irena Sailer is a Specialist for Prosthodontics (Swiss Society for Reconstructive Dentistry) and holds a specialization degree for Dental Implantology (WBA) of the Swiss Society for Dentistry. She is a Member of the Board of the Swiss Society of Reconstructive Dentistry and of the Swiss Leadership Team of the ITI (International Team for Implantology). Furthermore, Irena Sailer serves the Scientific Boards of the European Association of Osseointegration and the Swiss Society of Implantology. Irena Sailer is currently a Board Member of the EAO, an Active Member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry and an Active Fellow of the Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics.
Antonio Saiz-Pardo
SYMPOSIUM | Saturday 9th from 17:00 till 18:00 | Auditorium Room
Discover how INVISALIGN® helps you to be a better Prosthodontist
In this presentation, day-to-day cases will be shared, from the simplest to the most complex, where Invisalign® has been the fundamental tool to facilitate the approach to the prosthodontic problem of each patient. It will include from single cases to bimaxillary rehabilitation cases, in which non-invasive and respectful dentistry with dental enamel will prevail, under a holistic concept of Dentistry with a comprehensive vision of the patient.
Degree in Dentistry from the University of Granada in 1998.
Doctor “cum laude” in Stomatology from the University of Granada in 2012.
Master in Oral Surgery and Implantology at the University of Granada 2001-2004.
Diploma in Esthetic Dentistry (2009)
Diploma in Dental Management and Clinical Management (2008)
Invisalign Provider since 2015 (Platinum Elite)
Clinical stays in Geneva, Winthertur, Lisbon, San Sebastián, Florence, Sao Paulo and Bucharest.
Member of ITI, SECIB, SEPES, SEPA, SEDA and EAED Affiliate.
Communications in National and International Congresses: 29
Articles published: 16
Courses taught: 10
Surgery and Implants Private Practice in Jaén since 1998.
Manuel Sancho
Sunday 10th from 10:15 till 11:00 | Roma Room
Treat the root problem.
The clinical crown and periodontal soft tissues account for most of the attention in restorative dentistry. However, the root plays a subtle but crucial role in the final aspect of the restoration. The presentation aims, in a clinical and interactive way, to highlight some difficulties that roots can generate due to an inappropriate volume, position or color, as well as possible solutions for their management.
- Degree in Dentistry. University of Valencia. Spain.
- Master in Oral Surgery and Bucofacial Implantology. University of Barcelona. Spain.
- Director: Prof. Dr. Gay-Escoda.
- Private practice (preferential dedication in Oral Surgery and Implantology).
- International Team for Implantology Scholarship at the Department of Fixed and Removable Prosthesis and Dental Materials at the University of Zürich. Switzerland.
- Director: Prof. Dr. Hämmerle.
- Postgraduate in Oral Rehabilitation. Department of Fixed and Removable Prosthesis and Dental Materials of the University of Zürich. Switzerland.
- Director: Prof. Dr. Hämmerle.
- Doctor in Dentistry European Mention. CUM LAUDE. International University of Catalonia. Spain.
- Directors: Prof. Dr. Hernández-Alfaro, Prof. Schneider.
Rafael Santrich
SIMPOSIO | Saturday 9 from 18:00 to 19:00 | Sala Auditorio
Full arches on implants: how easy they are! Not with just any digital stream…
The biggest challenge in modern dentistry is full-arch rehabilitation on implants. It is even more challenging when it comes to bimaxillary treatment. Thanks to digital dentistry and a correct knowledge of CAD / CAM tools from the dental clinic, the workflow for the laboratory technician can be inexorably facilitated and vice versa.
He was born in Cali, Colombia, graduated from Astedent as a Dental technician 24 years ago. Specialized in Restorations and Personalized Cosmetics. He has his dental laboratory in the city of Aventura, Florida.
Digital photography being his passion, he has taken courses taught by experts such as Dr. Ed McLaren, Claude Sieber MDT and Felix Pages CDT.
Some cases and techniques have been published in “Soft Tissue and Esthetic Consideration in Implant Therapy” written by Dr. Anthony Sclar.
As a Ceramist he has had great mentors in his career, such as Felix Pages, CDT and Claude Sieber, CDT, MDT.
Several Cases published in several editions of Inside Dental technology such as “Using Pressed Lithium Dislocate to Replace Cast Gold Restorations”, “Lithium Dislocate for Custom Abutment Solutions”. – LMT, October issue: “Creating Natural Esthetics with IPS e.max, Press MT and the Scoop Technique. ”
– Labline, Autumn edition: “Refractory Technique”.
First Latino who has taught Ivoclar programs in Spanish in the United States, e.max in 2010 and online in 2011.
He also conducts private courses certified by the NBC (National Board Of Certification) in its facilities where his Dental laboratory currently operates in the city of Aventura, Florida.
He is a member of the American College of Prosthodontics and an honorary member of the ACO (Colombian Academy of Osseointegration) as well as the Colombian Academy of Prosthodontics.
He has been part of the team of Dr. Michael Pikos as instructor of the CTI course.
Mariano Sanz
Sábado 9 de 12:00 a 13:30 | Sala Auditorio.
Biological approach in the use of biomaterials in innovative therapies
Modern dentistry not only tries to prevent and cure oral diseases, but also to correct its consequences with innovative reconstructive therapies. The use of intelligent synthetic biomaterials is gradually replacing the use of natural biomaterials, either autologous, allogeneic or xenogeneic. In this presentation, examples of the application of said biomaterials in bone regeneration interventions will be shown, emphasizing their bioactive activity to induce regeneration processes, either through the use of cellular therapies or physical stimuli (electrification processes) or physicochemical (electrification processes). construction of smart scaffolds) that guide the healing processes. Likewise, examples of the use of smart biomaterials for the treatment of peri-implant diseases will be presented.
- Stomatologist and Doctor of Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid
- Specialist in Periodontology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
- Doctor Honoris Causa from the Universities of San Sebastian in Santiago de Chile, Gothenburg in Sweden, Coimbra in Portugal and Buenos Aires in Argentina
- Professor of Periodontology. Complutense University of Madrid and Director of the ETEP Research Group (Etiology and Therapeutics of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases ”)
- Director of the Postgraduate Program “Master in Periodontology”. Complutense University of Madrid (program accredited by the European Federation of Periodontology)
- Type II Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Oslo (Norway) and Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bern (Switzerland)
- Associate Editor of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology.
- He has published more than 350 scientific articles (list of publications at http://scholar.google.es/citations?user=nwmNvI0AAAAJ and has presented multiple papers and conferences on Periodontology, Implantology and Dental Education
Nacho Sanz
Sunday 10th from 9:30 till 10:15 | Roma Room
Periodontal diseases are one of the most prevalent human pathologies. Specifically, advanced forms of periodontitis are the sixth most prevalent non-communicable disease in humans. As they progress, periodontitis can have important oral, interpersonal and even systemic repercussions. That is why primary prevention and early treatment of the initial forms is crucial in the control of these diseases. Currently, many teeth with a questionable periodontal prognosis are being replaced by dental implants. However, this group of the population has a high risk of developing biological complications around implants, such as peri-implantitis. Therefore, the objective of this conference will be to try to answer the following questions: is the treatment of periodontitis predictable? Are we doing our best to keep our teeth? Do dental implants solve all tooth related problems with questionable periodontal prognosis?
Degree in Dentistry from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).
Official Master’s Degree in Dental Sciences from the UCM.
Doctor of Dentistry from the UCM.
Master in Periodontology from the UCM Faculty of Dentistry.
Certificate in Periodontology by “The Board of the postgraduate education committee of the European Federation of Periodontology.
Specialist in Microscopic Endodontics. Title awarded by Borja Zabalegui. Bilbao.
Predoctoral scholarship for University Teacher Training (FPU) of the UCM from 2009 to 2012.
Publications in national and international magazines.
Lecturer at national and international level.
Private practice in periodontics, implants and endodontics.
Coordinator of the third course (implants) of the Master of Periodontology and Implants at the UCM since 2010.
Coordinator of the periodontics and implants area of the Master in Restorative Dentistry based on New Technologies of the UCM.
Associate professor of periodontics at the UCM.
Member of the SEPA Board of Directors.
Member of the junior committee of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO).
Member of the expert council of the “Osteology Foundation”.
Jacobo Somoza
SYMPOSIUM | Saturday 9th from 14:30 till 15:30 | Madrid Room.
Where are the limits in Guided Surgery? Its indications are discussed in a generic way, but what the limitations of guided surgery really are if it really has them.
In this conference we will show unknown applications and possibilities of guided surgery and our experience over 14 years as users showing development and innovations in this field and we will answer, among others, a key question: Is it possible to place the screw-retained provisional just after finishing the surgery, without overflows or adaptations?
- Degree in Dentistry from the “Instituto Superior das Ciencias da Saude – Norte.” Porto Portugal.
- Specialist in Esthetic Dentistry. Faculty of Dentistry of the Complutense University of Madrid
- Professor of the Clinical Course of Implantology Autonomous University of Madrid 2009-2014
- Director Jacobo Somoza Institute
- Member of different scientific societies such as: SEPES, SOCE and SES
- National and international speaker of courses on Digital Dentistry, Aesthetics and Implantology.
M Fernanda Troncoso
Lunes 11 de 12:00 a 12:30
Los Trastornos del Sueño son enfermedades heterogéneas con distintas fisiopatologías y que afectan la calidad de vida de una gran parte de la población mundial.
El correcto diagnóstico y tratamiento de los pacientes que presentan alguna alteración en el sueño necesita un enfoque desde distintas especialidades médicas, es decir de forma multidisciplinar, que se integran en las Unidades de Sueño.
Los pacientes que acuden a las Unidades de Sueño buscan una solución y un enfoque global a su dolencia. El insomnio, así como la Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño (AOS) son enfermedades muy prevalentes y, actualmente, tanto la pandemia de la obesidad como la del COVID19 ha hecho que la población, que estuvo confinada y con sensación de incertidumbre, tenga más problemas de sueño, reflexione en la forma de dormir y de descansar de su compañero de cama, así como en la suya propia y en cómo afecta a su día a día.
Una de las claves en la medicina clínica es el diagnóstico correcto, lo que sitúa a las Unidades Multidisciplinares de Sueño como el mejor aliado para esta visión holística.
El sueño está involucrado en infinidad de procesos fisiológicos, por lo que una mala calidad de sueño suele ir ligada a numerosos problemas de salud y a un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diversas enfermedades como obesidad, diabetes, hipertensión arterial, enfermedades cardiovasculares, cambios metabólicos y cáncer.
Los síntomas que presentan los pacientes como la mala calidad de sueño con dificultad para conciliar o mantenerlo, el cansancio, la irritabilidad, la somnolencia diurna, la falta de concentración y rendimiento laboral e intelectual son común a muchos de estos trastornos. En varios de ellos su diagnóstico es clínico basado en síntomas y signos manifestados por el paciente, pero existe pruebas de apoyo diagnóstico. Hay casos como el de la Apnea del sueño donde se diagnostica tras objetivar la presencia de eventos apnéicos en una prueba de sueño que se puede realizar tanto a nivel hospitalario como domiciliario. El trastorno de sueño REM, es otro ejemplo donde el correcto diagnóstico precisa la realización de una polisomnografía o prueba del sueño con registro de vídeo.
Las Unidades Multidisciplinares de Sueño ofrecen diferentes pruebas de sueño diagnósticas. Una de las más conocidas es la polisomnografía con registro simultáneo de vídeo que consiste en el registro durante la noche de las variables fisiológicas como el electroencefalograma, flujo nasal, esfuerzo toraco-abdominal, saturación de oxígeno, frecuencia cardiaca y movimiento de piernas. Permite conocer la estructura del sueño del paciente y catalogar su trastorno.
Actualmente, la nueva tecnología de los dispositivos “wearables” como pulseras o móviles con el registro de ciertas variables fisiológicas, permite tener una estimación de lo que ocurre durante su sueño fuera de estas Unidades. Esto permite que cualquier persona se de cuenta de que algo mal está ocurriendo durante la noche, mejorando así la sospecha y la consulta médica.
Los cambios esporádicos en el sueño son normales, pero actualmente la calidad del sueño se ve influenciada por inadecuados hábitos de vida y mala higiene de sueño. Debido a diversos factores sociales, ambientales y personales existen cambios severos en los patrones de sueño por lo que no debemos olvidar la educación a todos los niveles asistenciales. Hay que recordar que la privación de sueño y una mala higiene de este es la principal causa de somnolencia en nuestra sociedad. El uso de la tecnología puede ayudarnos a sospecharlo como hemos comentado anteriormente, pero su mal uso perjudicarnos aún más.
Partiendo de estas reflexiones que surgen de la experiencia clínica de ver pacientes a diario en una Unidad Multidisciplinar de Sueño, uno de los puntos importantes en el abordaje de esta patología es mantener una visión global de los trastornos del sueño. El diagnóstico diferencial conseguido a través de una anamnesis detalla de sueño y un buen examen físico, nos puede dar la clave para un enfoque multidisciplinar en el proceso diagnóstico –terapéutico y utilizar de forma más eficaz y eficiente los recursos sanitarios.
Médico Cirujano Universidad de Valparaíso Chile 2001
Título homologado al Español de Licenciado en Medicina 2003
Especialidad de Neumología en el hospital Ramón y Cajal 2008
Experto en Medicina del Sueño Comité Español de Acreditación en 2014
Medicina del sueño CEAMS
Master en avances en diagnóstico y tratamiento de los trastornos 2018
durante el sueño SEPAR-UCAM
Adjunto de Neumología de la Unidad multidisciplinar de Sueño de la Fundación Jiménez Díaz desde el 3 de Junio de 2008, continuando en la actualidad.
Miembro del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Fundación Jiménez Díaz como Investigador desde 2010.
Investigador de la red CIBER de Enfermedades respiratorias (CIBERES) perteneciente al Grupo 04 – Germán Peces-Barba, desde Junio de 2008.
Médico colaborador de docencia práctica y teórica en la fundación Jiménez Díaz, Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid desde 2015/2016.
Coordinadora del Grupo de Sueño y ventilación de Neumomadrid, hasta marzo del 2019.
Profesor docente en el Master SEPAR-UCAM Avances en diagnóstico y tratamiento detrastornos del sueño Primera y Segunda Edición
Secretaria de la Sociedad Española de Sueño (SES) desde septiembre 2021
Participación en múltiples congresos locales y nacionales (neumomadrid, SEPAR, SES) e
Internacionales (ERS, WorldSleepCongress) como ponente y moderador en comunicaciones científicas y mesas de trabajo.
PROYECTOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN SALUD “Impacto del tratamiento con dispositivo de avance mandibular (DAM) en la calidad del sueño en pacientes con Síndrome de Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño (SAOS). Estudio DAMOSA”. Expediente Nº PI19/00830
Xavier Vela
SYMPOSIUM | Saturday 9th from 15:30 till 16:30 | Auditorio Room
The success of digitalization and conicity
The tendency to gingival recession is one of the great problems that we face on a daily basis. This tissue trend compromises the aesthetics and function of implant restorations, often leading to peri-implantitis and restoration failure.
The “Dominance of the Forms” is the principle that has been clinically shown to break the trend of gingival recession. This principle manages to improve peri-implant tissues spontaneously if applied correctly. The main benefit obtained is the protection of the implants against recession and peri-implantitis.
The digitization of the implant planning and rehabilitation process allows to get the most out of the transmucosal portion of rehabilitation.
This presentation will show the steps necessary to rehabilitate patients in a predictable way to achieve optimal esthetic results and avoid peri-implantis often derived from poor treatment planning.
Bachelor of Medicine (1989) and Dentistry (1992) both for the University of Barcelona (UB).
Private practice in Barcelona (Sant Celoni and Viladecans) exclusively dedicated to implantology and dental aesthetics since 1992.
As co-founder and chief of the implantology study group BORG since 2005, he has participated in numerous high-impact articles on aesthetics and multidisciplinary oral rehabilitation, as well as studies collaborating with universities in Barcelona, Madrid, Kyoto, Torino, New York and Murcia. He has lectured about aesthetic dentistry around the world, highlighting the American Academy of Periodontology (Honolulu, AAP 2011), the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (Crete, EAED 2013) or the American Association of Dental Aesthetics (California, AAED 2016) among many others.
He is visiting professor in the Departments of Implantology of the European University of Madrid (UEM) and the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) and Head of Clinic at the BORG Center since 2012.
Currently, he’s implantology and prosthesis consultant for Sweden & Martina
Cristina Zarauz
Sunday 10th from 18:15 till 19:00 | Roma Room
As implantologists and prosthodontists, it is advisable to know the existing alternatives to the clinical cases that are presented to us daily. This conference will evaluate the scientific evidence and clinical considerations surrounding bonded pontics as a clinical option to replace missing unit units.
- Doctorate in Dentistry. University of Geneva (2021).
- Head of Clinic and course coordinator in Fixed Prosthesis (Master 2 undergraduate students). University of Geneva (2017-present).
- Collaborator in the Fixed Prosthesis Division. University of Geneva (2016-present).
- Member of the “WIN International Core Group” (2016-present).
- Specialist in Oral Implantology and Prosthesis. University of Amsterdam (ACTA) (2012-2015).
- Master in Dental Sciences. Complutense University of Madrid (2012).
- Expert in Periodontal Clinic. Complutense University of Madrid (2012).
- Degree in Dentistry. European University of Madrid (2009).
Juan Zufía
SYMPOSIUM | Saturday 9th from 15:30 till 16:30 | Paris Room
Every day we find complex cases of dental absences or peri-implantitis that present with a serious disruption of the alveolar ridge. In order to restore these patients, guided bone regeneration and soft tissue bulking procedures will almost always be required, which usually require submerging the implant during the healing phase. Accessing these implants and transforming a shapeless mucosa into an anatomical emergency profile is a challenge for the clinician, as surgical and restorative knowledge is required to be successful. The presentation shows the different step-by-step clinical procedures aimed at achieving a predictable result in the peri-implant complex, analyzing aspects such as the position and anatomy of the implant, the relationship with adjacent teeth, the quality and quantity of the soft tissue or the requirements. aesthetic.
He was born in 1978.
Specialist in Dentistry, Surgery and Implants and Oral Rehabilitation.
He is currently Director of the Department of Dentistry at the Dr. E. Lalinde Institute.
Dr. J. Zufía has a degree in Dentistry from the Complutense University of Madrid, a Master’s in Periodontology and Implantology, a specialist in Aesthetic Dentistry and Oral Rehabilitation. He has provided his services in prestigious private centers in this community and completed his specialized training in national and international centers.
His professional career has focused on the field of dental implantology, being one of the most relevant professionals in implantology nationally and internationally.
It belongs to the most important scientific societies in this specialty.
- Degree in Dentistry from the Complutense University of Madrid.
- Master in Periodontology, and Implantology, Specialist in Aesthetic Dentistry and Oral Rehabilitation.
- Associate professor of the Master of Implantology at Straumann between 2002 and 2005.
- Associate professor of the Straumann Advanced Course in Periodontology between 2002 and 2004.
- Associate professor of the Master of Periodontology and Implantology at the European University of Madrid.
- Associate professor of the Master of Surgery, Periodontology and Implantology at the Alfonso X El Sabio University, Madrid.
- Private practice in Madrid dedicated to General Dentistry, Aesthetics, Surgery and Oral Rehabilitation.