Prosthetic technician graduated in 1982, and head of a prosthetic laboratory based in PARMA. He has followed various training courses with Master Prosthetics graduates such as Paul Fiechter, Klaus Mutherties, Oliver Brix, Jochen Peters, Alberto Battistelli, Giancarlo Barducci, Dr. Fradeani.
He teaches courses on Gnathology and smile design aesthetics in the golden ratio, courses that are taught both in Italy and abroad.
He is the author of articles in some magazines in the sector, these articles deal with the application of technology to the dental sector, gnathology and aesthetics with the application of the golden section. Regarding those that deal with gnathology, those on biofunctionality stand out with innovative reference planes such as the rediscovered Monson Sphere in digital.
Speaker at the La Sapienza University of Rome and teacher at the G.Marconi University of Rome for the training of SDT Digital Prosthetic Technicians.
Developer of the ITAKA system, referring to the subject of free movement gnathology together with the search for instruments for recording and replicating the patient’s real dynamic occlusion. This system, currently on the market, is presented at numerous congresses and conferences for its dissemination.
He is currently a member and promoter of ITAKA and ART ORAL (dental ceramics) and CONCEPT ZITRIA ITALY (zirconia).